Finally, Football season is here! Along with exciting games, friendly (and not-so-friendly) team rivalries, we get some amazing Super Bowl Sweepstakes. If you like Larger-than-life prizes, look no further!

Big Game Super Bowl Sweepstakes At Hooters
Want to score a free trip to the super bowl scheduled for February 13, 2022? How lucky! Hooters and Big game LA is giving one lucky winner and a guest the chance to fly out to California for the big game for FREE. All airfare, hotel, and ground transportation will be covered. The total value of this awesome Super Bowl Sweepstakes prize is a whopping $13,850! Be sure to enter before the end of the year because this sweep ends on December 13, 2021.
let's kick off the new year with an amazing win. What do you say?
Microsoft Rewards Super Bowl LVI Experience Sweepstakes
Next, we have another similar prize with the Microsoft Rewards Super Bowl Sweepstakes Experience. You and one guest can fly out to Los Angeles, California for the big day. All transportation and accommodations included! However, this sweep is extra special because the winner gets two extra treats. First, a $2,500 prepaid Mastercard for any additional trip expenses. Next, a brand new Surface Pro 8, keyboard, and slim pen 2. This prize package comes to a total value of ,653. I am extra excited for this one!
The SNICKERS Rookie Mistakes Promotion
Do you have an embarrassing story where you failed big time, but learned a valuable lesson in the end? I feel like many people can relate to that situation and feeling. Indeed, some things are just meant to be learned the hard way! Snickers is running an amazing Super Bowl Sweepstakes Essay Contest where entrants are invited to write an essay of 100 words or less describing a mistake that you have made in an aspect of your life. As someone who writes every day, 100 words is an easy limit to reach! So, tell your story and you could win. Well, what is the prize, you ask? Let's take a look.
The grand prize is ,000 to be used for a trip for two to Los Angeles, California to see – you guessed it – the Super Bowl! There, you will experience rushing the field at the end of the game. Additionally, air, hotel, and gameday tickets will be included.
So, put that pencil to paper! It's time to win big!
Super Bowl Sweepstakes and You
If you're a fan of the NFL, there's a big chance you've been dreaming about attending the super bowl. Imagine the energy and the crowd! It's an incomparable experience. Also, it feels great to support your team.
So, do it for yourself and your team! And finally, have fun. Good luck and happy sweeping to all Super Bowl Sweepstakes participants! GO TEAM!