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Irresistible New Sweepstakes Added 365 Days a Year

The number of new sweepstakes added to the directory is endless and your chances of winning are countless!  Today you can browse over 300 new sweepstakes with great prizes up for grabs. Don't waste time. Put your computer to good use and enter some free sweepstakes to win amazing free prizes. Best of luck to all sweepers today.

Why Search for New Sweeps?

I's a common theme that we hear from some. “I look for my own sweepstakes,  My odds are better finding sweepstakes on my own”. Just because you might find some new sweepstakes on your own doesn't mean that many others haven't found the same sweepstakes already. It's a much better strategy to enter as many sweepstakes as possible and not spend your precious time looking for sweepstakes. Leave that up to us. We've been doing this for 25 years! 

Where Does SA Find All These New Sweepstakes?

When you dedicate your life to doing one thing well the answer to this is definitely not a short one. Google as we may all know is very vast and lists almost everything.  Google however doesn't locate everything.  Many sweepstakes are not picked up by google because many sponsors hide these new promotions away for fan's of their products. We've developed a complicated system made up of some very high tech tools to make sure we list the most new sweepstakes online. Aside from this many new sweepstakes get submitted by the site owners themselves because they know SA is the most well known sweepstakes directory online. 

How Do You Categorize New Sweepstakes?

At the top of this article click the New Sweepstakes link. This will take you to our new sweepstakes page. From here you click on each day for a total list of new sweeps for that day. You can also click into each category by date for a more specific list. We list new sweepstakes this way to make it very easy for our visitors to locate the sweepstakes they are most interested in. Time is precious and we want to be entering sweepstakes and not searching for them.

Combine New Sweepstakes with Our Tools

Just having a list of new sweepstakes is not enough. When you consider how many new sweepstakes we add daily “hundreds” you need a quick way to go through this list and be confident you entered everything you wanted to. SA was the first site to develop SweepsCheck which allows you to check off any sweepstakes that you have entered. You can locate the SweepsCheck box next to each listing on the new sweepstakes page. Be sure to use this tool in combination with the new sweeps list. Further, you can also use My Sweepstakes to create your own private lists and hide any sweepstakes that you are not interested in. For help on how to use these tools click the YouTube link at the bottom of our page for easy tutorial videos.

How will I Find Out About New Giveaways?

We get asked all the time. When do you finish adding sweepstakes for the day? The answer to this question is, Almost Never. We are working on pending sweepstakes behind the scenes and posting new ones around the clock. The best thing you can do to stay on top of schedule is to signup for our free sweepstakes newsletter. When we send the newsletter this usually marks the daily big sweepstakes list update. The other way is to subscribe to our paid site Sweepstakes Plus and setup Sweepstakes Alerts. Sweepstakes Alerts will send you a linked email each time we add new sweepstakes that meet your criteria. For example, Cruise related sweepstakes.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Belinda Harris

    Please send new sweepstakes information. Thanks!

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